New Show Ideas

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Over the past several months we have kicked around the idea of starting some new shows. We have received many generous donations via paypal and we appreciate that support. We are asking the rest of our audience to consider pitching in via Paypal or our Patreon campaign. So far, the overwhelming choice has been Paypal. 100% of donations have come from there. We will keep our Patreon open in case some of our community members end up choosing that as the way they would like to support our network.

We are several months away from our deadline so there is still plenty of time to support the network if you want to see these shows come to fruition. Listed below are the show ideas that we would like to create. We will only create these shows if we meet our monthly funding goals. We are including our Paypal figures so don’t be discouraged by the Patreon goose egg.

We need monthly recurring support in order to purchase and maintain equipment, pay for hosting/bandwidth, pay our co-hosts for their time, and outsource editing our shows. Here are some of the show ideas below.

$250 per month: Agent Carter
$500 per month: Defenders Series on Netflix
$1000 per month: 2nd Agents of Shield Podcast Per Week Plus A superhero movie review podcast.
$2000 per month: We’ll add even more shows each week in the superhero realm.

We hope you’ll consider supporting our cause. Please click here to show your support and donate.
