(EP: 219 Initial Reactions) Agents of SHIELD Fan Podcast

SHOW NOTES On the Agents of SHIELD Podcast Recap-Review Hank Davis delivers his initial reactions for the episode titled: The Dirty Half Dozen. The full Agents of SHIELD recap-review will be released on Friday. Please have your voicemail or email … Continued

(EP: 218) Agents of SHIELD Fan Podcast

Agents of SHIELD Fan Podcast SHOW NOTES Hank Davis and his Agents of SHIELD news partner in crime Alex Cruz discuss episode 218 of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD titled: The Frenemy of My Enemy. Ratings are holding at a 1.6 … Continued

(EP: 218 Initial Reactions) Agents of SHIELD Fan Podcast

SHOW NOTES On the Agents of SHIELD Podcast Recap-Review Hank Davis delivers his initial reactions for the episode titled: The Frenemy of My Enemy. The full Agents of SHIELD recap-review will be released on Friday. Please have your voicemail or … Continued

Revolution Podcast News The Story Continues

posted in: Revolution Cast | 1

Hank Davis hits the airwaves with a new Revolution podcast to share the news that all the Revolution TV fans have been waiting for. It has been recently announced that Revolution will get a 4 part DC comic book series … Continued